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Focus Area Devices and Materials Engineering for Sustainability and Health (dMESH)


PhD holders

Frederico Castelo Ferreira, Innovative Materials and Processes
Keywords: @SCERG: Scaffold design, Bioreactor design, Economic analysis, Membranes, Electromagnetic cell stimuli. @iBB: Sustainability, Bioprinting, Cellular Agriculture, Stem Cells, Biomaterials

Carlos A. V. Rodrigues, Stem Cell Bioprocessing
Keywords: @SCERG: Human Pluripotent Stem Cells, Bioreactors, Cardiac Differentiation, Stem Cell Bioengineering, Biomaterials. @iBB: Stem Cells, Bioreactors, Bioprocess Engineering, Cellular Agriculture, Cultivated Seafood

João Carlos Silva, Biomimetic bioactive scaffolds for functional osteochondral regeneration
Keywords: @SCERG: Biomimetic and Bioactive Scaffolds, Electrospinning, Osteochondral tissue engineering, Bioreactor prototyping, MSC, Extracellular matrix. @iBB: Tissue Engineering, Biomaterials, Stem Cells, Osteochondral Regeneration, Bioreactors

Paola Sanjuan Alberte, Bioelectronics and Bioprinting
Keywords: @SCERG: ……. @iBB: Tissue engineering, bioelectronics, additive manufacturing, biomaterials, nanotechnology

Diogo do Espírito Santo Nogueira, Engineering characterization of bioreactors for human Pluripotent Stem Cell expansion and cardiac differentiation
Keywords: @SCERG: Human Pluripotent Stem Cells, Bioreactor Engineering and Characterization, Cardiac Differentiation. @iBB: ….

PhD students

Abdul Mateen, Recreating human gut microbiota in intestinal mucus models to study infection dynamics
Supervisors: Daniela Pacheco (Bac3Gel), Frederico Ferreira (iBB/IST)

Afonso Gusmão, Exploring new frontiers in 3D(cryo)bioprinting: Designing and prototyping a novel system combining AI and computer vision for real-time control of high-quality bioprinted and cryopreserved tissues
Supervisors: Marco Leite (IDMEC/IST), Frederico Ferreira (iBB/IST), Arlindo Figueiredo e Silva (Singapore University of Technology and Design)

Ana Agostinho, Novel Cardiac Tissue Engineering (CTE) Approaches: exploring the anti-inflammatory benefits of natural acorn phenolic compounds in electrically stimulated bioprinted constructs
Supervisors: Frederico Ferreira (iBB/IST), Jorge Morgado (IT/IST); Co-supervisors: Raphael Canadas (LandraTech), Paola Sanjuán-Alberte (iBB/IST)

Carlos Moreira, When future is past: an ethnographic inquiry into digital models of human skeletal remains
Supervisors: Francisca Alves Cardoso (CRIA. Nova-FCSH), Frederico Ferreira (iBB/IST)

Catarina Jones, Engineering Quantum-Converting Nanoantennae for targeted bioelectronic medicine
Supervisors: Paola Alberte (iBB/IST), Teresa Esteves (iBB/IST); Co-supervisor: Frederico Ferreira (iBB/IST)

Diana Marques, Whole-cut cell-based fish fillet production by cellular agriculture strategies
Supervisors: Frederico Ferreira (iBB/IST), Paola Alberte (iBB/IST-ID), Luisa Torri (Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche)

Diogo Dias, Novel Electrically Responsive Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Targeted Controlled Drug Delivery in Cancer Therapy
Supervisors: Teresa Esteves (iBB/IST), Frederico Ferreira (iBB/IST); Co-supervisor: Carlos Afonso (iMed/FFUL)

Duarte Almeida, 3D bioprinting of a vascularized, innervated and functional skin tissue
Supervisors: Frederico Ferreira (iBB/IST), Paola Alberte (iBB/IST); Co-supervisor: Pankaj Karande (CBIS/RPI)

Filipe Miguel, Multifunctional injectable electroconductive hydrogels featuring controllable dual drug release to foster articular cartilage regeneration and suppress inflammation
Supervisors: Frederico Ferreira (iBB/IST), João Carlos Silva (iBB/IST); Co-supervisor: Jorge Morgado (IT/IST)

Frederico Barbosa, Multi-layered Biodegradable and Piezoelectric Osteochondral Tissue Engineering Scaffolds: An In Vitro Platform for Modelling Osteoarthritis
Supervisor: Frederico Ferreira (IBB-IST) and João Silva (iBB/IST); Co-supervisor: Deepak Vashishth (CBIS, RPI)

Gonçalo Fernando, Innovation systems in Cellular Agriculture: The Role of Open Access Research in Accelerating Emerging Industries
Supervisors: Frederico Ferreira (iBB/IST), Dwayne Homes (New Harvest)

Kaue Morcelles, Novel monitoring methods for cell viability upon cryopreservation
Supervisor: Miguel Rodrigues, (CQE/IST, Smartfreez); Co-Supervisors: Frederico Ferreira (IBB-IST), Pedro Bertemes Filho (Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina)

Kristin Schüler, Advancing cartilage tissue engineering: Innovations in hierarchical cell-laden scaffolds and bioreactor systems
Supervisors: Frederico Ferreira (iBB/IST), Paola Alberte (iBB/IST-ID), João Silva (iBB/IST)

Laura Alves, Development of novel marine cell lines and animal origin-free bioprocesses for cultured seafood manufacturing strategies
Supervisors: Carlos Rodrigues, (iBB-IST), Duarte Mendonça (CBA/UA); Industrial Contact Point: Vítor Verdelho Vieira (Cell4food); Academic contact point: Frederico Ferreira (iBB/IST)

Laura Sordini, A new generation of 4D bioprinted electrically conductive hydrogels wireless activatable for induced pluripotent stem cell neural differentiation
Supervisors: Frederico Ferreira (IBB-IST), Jorge Morgado (IT-IST)

Leonor Resina, New electro-responsive materials platforms for cancer treatment: Smart self-growing nanoparticles and transdermal devices
Supervisors: Frederico Ferreira (iBB-IST); Co-supervisors: Carlos Alemán (Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña), Teresa Esteves (iBB-IST)

Mafalda Maria Miguéis Bragança, miRNA Engineering of Neural-derived Exossomes as a Promising Therapeutic Strategy for Alzheimer’s Disease
Supervisors: Dora Brites (iMED-FFUL), João Silva (iBB/IST), Monica Garcia-Alloza (University of Cádiz, Spain)

Mafalda Silva Santos, Bioinspired hierarchical scaffolds for periodontal tissue engineering: employing cell-derived ECM and biophysical stimuli towards personalized medicine models and therapies for periodontitis
Supervisors: João Silva (iBB/IST), Cláudia Lobato da Silva (iBB/IST)

Nuno Luis, Meniscus repair and regeneration
Supervisor: Jorge Mineiro (FMUL); Co-supervisor: Frederico Ferreira (IBB-IST)

Pedro Marcelino, Gradient conductive scaffolds combined with multi-stimuli bioreactor devices for osteochondral tissue engineering: an in silico and in vitro approach
Supervisors: Paula Faria (IPLeiria), João Silva (iBB/IST), Co-supervisor: Frederico Ferreira (IBB-IST)

Rafaela Neves, Design and modelling of cryopreservation systems with application in cellular therapies
Supervisors: Miguel Rodrigues (SmartFreez/CQE-IST), Frederico Ferreira (iBB-IST), Co-supervisor: Vitor Geraldes (CeFEMA/IST)

Sofia Agostinho, ORING.AGE – Stem Cell Omics and GPCR Analysis for Neurological Longevity
Supervisors: Carlos Rodrigues (iBB/IST), Ana Fred (IT/IST)

William Salvador, An Integrated Process for the Production of Extracellular Vesicles from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells in Stirred-Tank Bioreactors
Supervisors: Carlos Rodrigues (iBB/IST), Klaus Graumann (Phoenestra GmbH); Co-supervisor: Joaquim Cabral (IT/IST)

Invited Research Members

Ana Carina Baeta Manjua, Novel Cell-based Strategies for Development of Vascular Tissue: Exploring Magnetic Field Stimulation and Fluidic Dynamics
Keywords: Microfluidic platforms, Magnetic responsive scaffolds, Vascularization

Pedro Miguel Gonçalves Diniz, Achilles tendon ruptures: novel insights in risk factors and treatment options
Keywords: Orthopedics, Achilles tendon, Finite element analysis

Marta Monteiro Silva Carvalho, Decellularized extracellular matrix as a biomaterial strategy for periodontal tissue regeneration
Keywords: Biomimetic Scaffolds, Alveolar bone, Periodontal ligament, Dental and mesenchymal stem cells, Extracellular matrix

Fábio Filipe Ferreira Garrudo, Novel electrospun scaffolds for neural stem cell differentiation under electrical stimulation
Keywords: Electroconductive scaffold, Neural stem cell differentiation, Electric stimulation